Monday, May 23, 2011

Final Project Post 3

Progress is still a bit slow, but it's progress. I've not only added a way back to the main page, but I've expanded the blog. It will now include Terraria posts. Someone may be asking 'why?'. Essentally, it's so similar to Minecraft, if not better than Minecraft, that I saw no reason to exclude it. Anyways, next up, I should probably work on the layout a bit more...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Final Project Post 2

So far, nothing much to speak of has happened. I've gotten a post done for the blog, and made a page explaining what Minecraft is. I'm having a bit of trouble getting from the pages back to the main blog posts, but I'm working on it, so it might be fixed eventually. I'm planning on posting a bit in a little, but I still need to work on the site itself a bit.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Final Project Post 1

Well, I have a new blog. A new wordpress blog on Minecraft. Approved by Mr. Jones. And stuff.
...go there. NOW.